fastDummies 1.7.5
- Now includes ordered factors in dummy_cols() by default.
- Adds parameter
which will return a vector of strings with the new column names generated bydummy_cols()
fastDummies 1.7.0
- Add option to omit colname prefix when only one column is recoded. Thanks to @teofiln for the PR.
fastDummies 1.6.3
CRAN release: 2020-11-29
- Fix bug where inputting a vector or a one column data.frame returned an issue. Now will convert the vector to a data.frame and return that. Will name each column “.data_”. Closes #23 by @Garyf20.
- Fix bug where
wasn’t working right when there was a tie for which value was the most frequent. Closes #22 by eden70.
fastDummies 1.6.2
CRAN release: 2020-09-16
- Dummy columns are now returned in alphabetical order including numeric order (e.g. photos_2 is before photos_11).
fastDummies 1.6.1
CRAN release: 2020-03-07
- Bug fixes.
- Dummy columns are now returned in alphabetical order.
fastDummies 1.6.0
CRAN release: 2019-11-29
- Adds the parameter
. If TRUE (not default), removes the columns which are used to create the dummy columns.
fastDummies 1.5.0
CRAN release: 2019-09-02
- Removes
parameter. Now by default will order by level if the variable is a factor type. - Fix bug where
parameter didn’t work properly. - If value is NA, sets to NA in dummy column rather than value of 0. Closes #18 by @DLustenBerger.
fastDummies 1.4.1
- Fix bug when column is factor type when using
parameter. Thanks to Matthew Sigal for submitting issue on GitHub.
fastDummies 1.4.0
CRAN release: 2019-06-17
- Adds option to ignore NA values in dummy_cols (doesn’t make a variable_NA) column is selected. Thanks to juribep5 for the GitHub suggestion.
- Adds
parameter in dummy_cols to handle if a row has multiple categories. Thanks to Matthew Sigal and Andrew Fernandes for the GitHub suggestion.
fastDummies 1.3.0
CRAN release: 2019-04-22
- Adds option to sort dummy columns following the order of the original factor variable. Thanks to Patrick Baylis for the pull request with the code for this feature!
fastDummies 1.2.0
CRAN release: 2018-06-21
- Adds option to exclude the most frequently observed category rather than the first category as is default. Thanks to GitHub user S-UP for the suggestion!
fastDummies 1.1.0
CRAN release: 2018-03-03
Thanks to GitHub user yu45020 dummy_cols() is now about >20% faster and much more memory efficient.
Both dummy_cols() and dummy_rows() now return the same data type inputted e.g. data.frame input returns data.frame, tibble returns tibble.
Fix documentation that incorrectly said default value for new dummy rows is 0. It is in fact a value of NA.