Make a table showing the number (n) and percent of the population (e.g. % of nrow()) for each value in a variable(s).
make_n_and_percent_table(data, columns)
A data.frame with the data you want to make the table from.
A string or vector of strings with the column names to make the N and % from.
A data.frame with one row for each value in the inputted variable(s) and columns showing the N and % for that value.
make_n_and_percent_table(mtcars, c("cyl", "gear"))
#> Variable Description N Percent
#> 1 Cyl 8 14 43.75
#> 2 4 11 34.38
#> 3 6 7 21.88
#> 4 Gear 3 15 46.88
#> 5 4 12 37.50
#> 6 5 5 15.62