make_sps_setup() is used to create the setup file used in reading in fixed-width text files. Often the setup file comes with the data file but in some cases (usually with government data) you will need to create the setup file yourself.

  col_names = NULL,
  col_labels = NULL,
  value_labels = NULL,
  missing_values = NULL



Name of the file to be saved (e.g. "setup_file1"). There is no need to put the .sps extension in the file name.


Either a vector of strings indicating the start and end position of each column (e.g. "1-3", "4-5") or a vector of the widths of the columns (e.g. 3, 2).


A vector of names for the columns. If none are provided, will automatically create names based on column number (e.g. V1, V2, V3).


A vector of labels for the columns. These are often longer and more descriptive than the col_names. These are the values used as column names if real_names = TRUE in reading in the data.


A vector with the value first, then an ' = ' then the label. Each new column should have the column named followed by ' ='.


A vector of strings with the column name followed by the values to be replaced by NA.


Does not return any object. Saves the .sps file that is created.


if (FALSE) { value_labels <- c("var1 = ", "1 = label 1", "2 = label 2", "3 = label 3", "4 = label 4", "5 = label 5", "var3 = ", "1A = alpha", "1B = bravo", "1C = cat") missing_values <- c("state name", "9", "-8", "county", "-8") make_sps_setup(file_name = "example_name", col_positions = c(1, 3, 4, 2), col_names = c("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4"), col_labels = c("state name", "county", "population", "census region code"), value_labels = value_labels, missing_values = missing_values) }